Crate aob

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If you’re looking to construct a pattern:

  • See aob! to construct a pattern at compile-time.
  • See DynamicNeedle to construct a pattern at run-time.

You’ll need to use Needle before you can do anything with a pattern:

use aob::Needle as _;
aob::aob! { const NEEDLE = ida("67 ? AB"); }
let haystack = [0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF];
let found = NEEDLE.find(&haystack).unwrap();
assert_eq!(found.range(), 3..6);


  • Parses, validates, and constructs a Needle at compile-time.



  • The method chosen to quickly compare strings for equality, in lieu of strcmp, since we need to account for wildcards.
  • A Reason gives more context about why parsing failed.


  • The common interface for searching haystacks with needles.