template<class Derived>
binary_io::ostream_interface class

A CRTP utility which can be used to flesh out the interface of a given stream.

Template parameters
Derived A stream type which meets the requirements of binary_io::concepts::output_stream.

Base classes

class basic_format_stream
Implements the default formatting behaviours for every stream.


auto endian() const -> std::endian noexcept
Gets the current default endian format.
void endian(std::endian a_endian) noexcept
Sets the default endian format.
auto operator<<(derived_type& a_out, std::endian a_endian) -> derived_type& noexcept
Sets the default endian format types will be written as when no format is specified.


template<class... Args>
void write(Args... a_args)
Writes the given values into the output stream.
template<class... Args>
void write(std::endian a_endian, Args... a_args)
Writes the given values into the output stream, with the given endian format.
template<concepts::integral T>
auto operator<<(derived_type& a_out, T a_value) -> derived_type&
Writes the given value into the output stream.

Function documentation

template<class Derived>
derived_type& binary_io::ostream_interface<Derived>::operator<<(derived_type& a_out, std::endian a_endian) noexcept

Sets the default endian format types will be written as when no format is specified.

a_out The output stream to modify.
a_endian The new default endian format.
Returns A reference to the output stream, for chaining.

template<class Derived>
template<class... Args>
void binary_io::ostream_interface<Derived>::write(Args... a_args)

Writes the given values into the output stream.

a_args The values to be written into the output stream.

template<class Derived>
template<class... Args>
void binary_io::ostream_interface<Derived>::write(std::endian a_endian, Args... a_args)

Writes the given values into the output stream, with the given endian format.

a_endian The endian format the values will be written as.
a_args The values to be written into the output stream.

template<class Derived>
template<concepts::integral T>
derived_type& binary_io::ostream_interface<Derived>::operator<<(derived_type& a_out, T a_value)

Writes the given value into the output stream.

a_out The output stream to write to.
a_value The value to be written into the output stream.
Returns A reference to the output stream, for chaining.