
  • namespace binary_io
    • namespace components
    • namespace concepts
      • struct buffered_stream A constraint for streams which implement buffering, and require an explicit call to flush to synchronize that buffer.
      • struct input_stream A constraint for streams which meet the input stream interface.
      • struct integral Constraint for basic integer types or enums.
      • struct no_copy_input_stream A constraint for streams which provide a read_bytes overload which doesn't require an intermediate copy.
      • struct output_stream A constraint for streams which meet the output stream interface.
      • struct resizable A constraint for container types which can be resized.
      • struct seekable_stream A constraint for streams which meet the seekable stream interface.
    • namespace endian
    • class any_istream final A polymorphic stream which can be used to abstract other streams.
    • class any_ostream final A polymorphic stream which can be used to abstract other streams.
    • class basic_memory_istream final A stream which composes a dynamically sized container.
    • class basic_memory_ostream final A stream which composes a dynamically sized container.
    • class buffer_exhausted An exception which indicates the underlying buffer for a stream has been exhausted.
    • class exception The base exception type for all binary_io exceptions.
    • class file_istream final A stream which composes a file handle.
    • class file_ostream final A stream which composes a file handle.
    • class istream_interface A CRTP utility which can be used to flesh out the interface of a given stream.
    • class ostream_interface A CRTP utility which can be used to flesh out the interface of a given stream.
    • class span_istream final A stream which composes a non-owning view over a contiguous block of memory.
    • class span_ostream final A stream which composes a non-owning view over a contiguous block of memory.