template <class U>
bsa::components::hashmap::index_t class final

A proxy value used to facilitate the usage/chaining of hashmap::operator[] in an intuitive manner.


index_t() defaulted noexcept
Constructs an empty index.


template <class K>
auto operator[](K&& a_key) const -> auto noexcept
Indexes the stored index with the given key.

Member types

using pointer = value_type*
using reference = value_type&
using value_type = U


operator bool() const explicit noexcept
Checks if the current index is valid.
auto operator*() const -> reference noexcept
Obtains a reference to the currently held index.
auto operator->() const -> pointer noexcept
Obtains a pointer to the currently held index.

Function documentation

template <class U>
template <class K>
auto bsa::components::hashmap::index_t::operator[](K&& a_key) const noexcept

Indexes the stored index with the given key.

template <class U>
reference bsa::components::hashmap::index_t::operator*() const noexcept

Obtains a reference to the currently held index.

template <class U>
pointer bsa::components::hashmap::index_t::operator->() const noexcept

Obtains a pointer to the currently held index.