namespace bsa
namespace components
- class basic_byte_container A basic byte storage container.
- class byte_container A byte storage container without compression support.
- class compressed_byte_container A byte storage container with compression support.
class hashmap Establishes a basic mapping between a key and its associated files.
- class index_t final A proxy value used to facilitate the usage/chaining of hashmap::
operator[] in an intuitive manner.
- class index_t final A proxy value used to facilitate the usage/chaining of hashmap::
- class key A generic key used to uniquely identify an object inside the virtual filesystem.
namespace fo4
namespace hashing
- struct hash final
class archive final Represents the FO4 revision of the ba2 format.
- struct meta_info final Archive info about the contents of the given archive.
class chunk final Represents a chunk of a file within the FO4 virtual filesystem.
- struct compression_params final Common parameters to configure how chunks are compressed.
- struct mips_t final Unique to format::
class file final Represents a file within the FO4 virtual filesystem.
- struct header_t final Unique to format::
directx. - struct read_params final Common parameters to configure how files are read.
- struct write_params final Common parameters to configure how files are written.
- struct header_t final Unique to format::
namespace hashing
- namespace tes3
namespace tes4
namespace hashing
- struct hash final The underlying hash object used to uniquely identify objects within the archive.
- class archive final Represents the TES4 revision of the bsa format.
- class directory final Represents a directory within the TES4 virtual filesystem.
class file final Represents a file within the TES4 virtual filesystem.
- struct compression_params final Common parameters to configure how files are compressed/decompressed.
- struct read_params final Common parameters to configure how files are read.
- struct write_params final Common parameters to configure how files are written.
namespace hashing
- class compression_error Classifies errors generated during compression library operations.
- struct doxygen_detail A doxygen only, detail class.
- class exception The base exception type for all
exceptions. - class read_source final An abstraction over the specific source that will be read from.
- class write_sink final An abstraction over the specific sink that will be written to.
namespace components