bsa/fo4.hpp file


namespace bsa
namespace bsa::fo4
namespace bsa::fo4::hashing


struct bsa::fo4::hashing::hash
class bsa::fo4::chunk
Represents a chunk of a file within the FO4 virtual filesystem.
struct bsa::fo4::chunk::compression_params
Common parameters to configure how chunks are compressed.
struct bsa::fo4::chunk::mips_t
Unique to format::directx.
class bsa::fo4::file
Represents a file within the FO4 virtual filesystem.
struct bsa::fo4::file::read_params
Common parameters to configure how files are read.
struct bsa::fo4::file::write_params
Common parameters to configure how files are written.
struct bsa::fo4::file::header_t
Unique to format::directx.
class bsa::fo4::archive
Represents the FO4 revision of the ba2 format.
struct bsa::fo4::archive::meta_info
Archive info about the contents of the given archive.


enum class compression_format { zip, lz4 }
A list of all compression methods supported by the ba2 format.
enum class compression_level { fo4, fo76 = fo4, fo4_xbox, sf }
Specifies the compression level to use when compressing data.
enum class format: std::uint32_t { general = detail::constants::gnrl, directx = detail::constants::dx10 }
Represents the file format for an archive.
enum class version: std::uint32_t { v1 = 1, v2, v3, v7 = 7, v8 }
Indicates the version of an archive.


template <concepts::stringable String>
auto hash_file(String&& a_path) -> hash noexcept
Produces a hash using the given path.
auto hash_file_in_place(std::string& a_path) -> hash noexcept
Produces a hash using the given path.